Saturday 28 July 2012

The Fun: Pretty Presents

I attended a beautiful wedding shower the other evening. As I was wrapping the gift I was thinking about the level of effort we put into a gift. Some people really take time to make a gift special for someone. Every last detail is personalised for the present. I really wanted to do this for this special friend of mine. It was my mission to wrap this gift with intention. So I took my inspiration from the wedding shower invitation main colour of gold. Even though the paper gets all ripped off, there is just something wonderful about a pretty present. To give a very clean appearance, I used double sided tape so that you wouldn't see tape anywhere. I also folded all the edges under so that there were no rough paper edges. It made the gift look like an envelope.

(The two pictures are of the same gift. The lighting made the colour look different.)

I wrapped each part of the gift with different paper and ribbon to make it a little more unique. I decided to off centre the gifts to change things up a little from the common stacked set. Then voila, I had something special for my dear friend. I hope she liked it and felt special opening it.

1 comment:

  1. The gifts are beautiful! I love the ribbons and papers you used. I've gotten lazy lately about gift wrapping, probably because most of the gifts I wrap these days are for kids under 6! But I love a pretty present too.
